Friday, September 2, 2016

NYC Criminally Sprayed Pesticide into the Air

In August 2016, NYC sprayed pesticide into the air, to counter the Zika virus’s mosquito carrier.

One night, in the latter half of the month, in Brooklyn, we were told to stay indoors from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am.

A week or two later, in the news, somewhere in NY, or elsewhere where they sprayed, bee hives in the area were found with all the bees therein - dead.

The company that creates the pesticide, through twisted governmental corruption, would never suffer material consequences were the product found to kill people. We thus have stupid governmental policies and powers to perpetrate such grievous initiatives, at no cost to the higher-ups - but at full cost to the general public and healthy ecology.

These desperate attempts to strike at mosquitos at the expense of good health are most probably ineffective as they most certainly are harmful.

A more sane approach, a more humane approach and certainly a more healthy approach would have been to spray or burn frankincense and pine in the streets to ward off mosquitos.

They can become scientific about it too. They can simply measure the effect they’re looking for in the various spots they perfumed.

Or, if the cities really want to become serious about vacating pests without poisonous pesticides, let them attack the problems with proper plants and landscaping.

Or, here's a suggestion from way back: (see highlighted word's sentence)
[Quoted from:
Nicholas Culpeper, ” The Complete Herbal”, 1653]


Or, here’s a good reason to try scenting up the metropolis with lavender:
[quote found at; Re: Gattefosse]
“Microbiological research shows that a number of essential oils are active against strains of Clostridium perfringens including winter savory (Satureja Montana) lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) lemon myrtle (Backhousia citriodora) lemon tea tree (Leptospermum petersonii) and tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia). Some of these are being given to factory-farmed chicken, which are susceptible to Clostridium perfringens-related disease. The essential oils don’t have the same drawbacks as antibiotics.

No-one has yet tested lavender oil against Clostridium perfringens, although we do know that lavender oil can inhibit the mechanism (known as quorum sensing) through which bacteria “decide” to release their toxins.”

Here's another recipe from
"Natural mosquito repellent: Combine one drop each of lemongrass oil, citronella oil and eucalyptus oil with one teaspoon of coconut oil to make natural bug spray ...."

Truck spraying pesticide
UPDATE (9/21/16):
Brooklyn has been hit again by aerial bug spray, the kind that carries no liability to the makers of this poison - government-guaranteed. We were told to stay indoors from 10 to 6. A pox on mayor De Blasio!

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