Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dr. Burzynski - A David Against Goliath

See here how the USA continues to push toxic chemotherapy, rather than investigate, inspire, or test safer means of cancer treatment. Dr. Burzynski found that two sorts of antineoplastins cure cancer. You would think the medical establishment would jump for joy. Instead, they tried hard to ban him. Luckily, he, one of the very few who withstood the the establishment's attempt to suppress the methodology, finally managed to at least get approval for "experimentation" with his discovery. But this, only after the patient underwent at least one course of chemotherapy. It is amazing to see how cruel people can become when money is their reward. This good doctor gets about 30% of malignant brain tumors cured. Other alternative therapies, such as that of Issel's or Gerson's, also claim significant cures. And so often they receive those "incurables" the conventional establishment finally abandons. If only we can overcome the horrible mafia in control for all the money that pours into research - were it to go to good research instead of just creating bogus research to provide for jobs for the cancer industry, how much better off we would be! See this great film on Dr. Burzynski. It's eye-opening, to say the least! If you watch to the end, you will see just how crooked the USA government really is - in fact, after all the abuse they heap on him, they even tried to steal his invention! [ The video I first posted here has since been censored, so here's another, although you'll have to replace xxyzh with a dot, and add h t t p : / / (without spaces between) to the front of this URL, and add a dash (-) right after the letters dr : jhfilmsxxyzhwebflowxxyzhio/blog/drburzinski ] Just LISTEN to what they say the conventional doctors wanted to "offer" children and babies with cancer, even when its prognosis was miserable! Evil doers always resort to false words to promote their evil; Euphemisms and distortions. They allow Dr. Burzynski to "experiment", when , in fact, the mafia's "treatment" is - nothing but experimentation! It started after WWII, when they had a large reservoir of mustard-gas left over from their war stocks. They then gave patients some modification of this poison as "chemotherapy". Their miserable statistics that they hide from the public speak for themselves. They are quick to vilify good alternative therapists as "quacks", when they themselves - our very own governmental agents paid off by Big Pharma - much better qualify for this label.

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