Sunday, September 26, 2010

Making Money on Cancer

Regarding the rising incidence of cancer, see what Dr. James C. Thomson wrote - back in the early 1900's:
The glaring and carefully ignored fact that is constantly bypassed is the cancer rate is increasing for all ages, but especially among young people. As many readers will know, quite tiny infants today are dying of cancer in their cradles.

Personally I would place the responsibility on the shoulders of the drug houses and their agents, the drug doctors, along with the food manipulating firms. So far as I can judge, these are the two major groups responsible for this most disturbing new development.

A large factor of uncertainty arises because the most fantastic profits are made by the industries which live upon disease and war. The great chemical cartels are involved in both, and their influence spreads far afield. They spend millions annually on "educating" the public into an acceptance of war and disease as inexorable.

Recently Ralph Wightman received a great ovation when he suggested that to make money out of war should be illegal. I would go further; I would include disease. But such laws are impossible. Represenatives of the cunning men who draw enormous incomes from these evils, congest the Universities, Medical Schools and Parliaments of the "civilized" world.
Has anything changed since then?

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