Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Looks Like Brazil's Infected with BigPharma too

Saw this at ZeroHedge 8/21/24, about a plane crash in Brazil:

Its headline was:

Here's some of its copy:

------------   ------------   ------------ 

Interestingly, it's only very recently that the term "turbo cancer" is being bandied about. Never heard of it before; Not with that particular name.

That would make sense because we are after all in a post-mass-vaccination period. The "covid" scare and lockdowns frightened many people into trusting the established medical doctrine and ran to the clinics to get inoculated. There were all kinds of vaccine mandates; in schools, banks, other companies, in government buildings, on planes ... ad nauseum. 

So now we have millions more people with more toxicity inside them and getting morbidly sick from it all. Turbo Cancer is what any sane thinker could guess would happen. It stands to reason that cancers take time to develop, and also that the more poisonous the load, the faster cancer will develop.

The "vaccines" today are no longer like the milder stuff they gave us years ago. Today BigPharma is less discriminate. Today probably ALL vaccines contain graphene, aluminum, aborted fetal cells, phosgene and other poisons.

Vaccines of today are no longer what they used to be. I can go on telling you how poisonous the stuff is but my point here is something else:

My point is, there is an urgency among BigPharma to strike down large population segments. They now do it with audacity, concealing most of their ingredients, without presenting experimental results, without care whether it's an infant or an oldster, they are now in it for the kill. What once was the "flu shot", or "MMR" shots, or whichever - they all are today deadlier than they ever were. 

The wealthiest psychotic demons like Gates, his wife, Klaus Schwab and other "globalists" are counting their own days left on Earth and cannot tolerate that there's so much more money they can soak up out of us before they die. They're behaving in desperation.

Is it money they're worshipping? Probably something much more obscene and sinister that their money affords.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Cancer Cured by a Few Antibody Infusions

Seems like chemotherapists, with nothing to show for their practice now for a good hundred years, all the while killing people left and right with chemotherapy, keep blaming cancer. Until today they remain abysmally bereft of good prognoses, let alone cures. I suppose, to try and boost their long-standing miserable batting average, some felt forced to add "adjuvant" remedies into their poisonous potion. Even if they did find such a remedy that would enhance chemo's prognosis, they'd hush it up anyhow because in the end their business model would be hurt by it; Promoting, in this case antibody molecules, would be self-defeating since chemotherapy poisons are what fuel a big cancer business. So new adjuvant research would usually be kept under the radar. But here's a case where by divine providence the results of just such immunotherapy substances, on their own - without chemo, without radiation and without any surgery - produced an amazing, jaw-dropping cure within a month! This magazine's medical issue had many articles, all representing the current perspectives of an evil or gullible allopathy. But one article among them slipped through, if you will, because this would be one genie they'd want stuffed back into the bottle. For if it got too much publicity, the primary homicidal ritual adopted by this profession would become obvious.

--- Exhibits ---

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Virology Denuded

This article by Dr Stefan Lanka debunks the conventional medical doctrine of virology. It's so good I feel compelled to share it with you.  

See it here
The misconception called virus
Measles as an example

Because this key test scientists failed to do,

namely, the negative control experiment

all their "conclusions" throughout the years, 

until now, cannot prove that "viruses" exist.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The CURE for Adult-Onset DIABETES

Who would have thought?! For decades I figured Diabetes could never be cured, only controlled, either with insulin or some other patented drug over the course of the diabetic's life. All allopathic ("conventional") doctors will tell you so. Because that's how it's treated today and that's what was taught and until today is being taught in medical schools.

Along comes Dr Jason Fung, a young nephrologist from Canada, and simply explains how short term fasting can reverse and cure the common diabetes (adult onset; Type II)! And he makes so much common sense, explaining that insulin itself is the problem and trying as much to reduce its output - is the new and best way to go. 

That's the very opposite of what conventional medicine asserts. Turns out, giving insulin not only defeats the purpose, and eventually taking more and more is the usual routine, but this hormone is the very reason for damage to the diabetic body, and thus must be minimized. It's not the high glucose that causes the body damage! 

And what do you know?! Lo and behold, we now have complete cures thereby, by nothing more complicated than intermittent fasting. Not starving; Fasting! Not just that; In a matter of weeks or months!

You can find him on Youtube, or read one of his two books. 

I hurry to add, after having read his 3rd book on Cancer, that it was a disappointing read. It was a history of allopathic advances in cancer, which amounts to zero. I believe Dr Fung should stick to the treatment of diabetics and obesity, where he excels, and if he wants to understand cancer, he ought to look into folks like Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, Dr. Gaston Naessens, Dr. Mirko Beljanski, Jim Humble, Dr. Max Gerson, Dr. Royal Rife, Dr. Andreas Kalcker, etc. Obviously he's only researched journals in conventional (lousy) medicine and thus never came across such names as I mention here.  Or, out of fear of losing his job, he took the easy way out - to write another "best seller". A good mind too can go to waste. 

P.S. A book I recently discovered, but haven't read, called Syndrome X is another doctor's cure of diabetes. 

Saturday, July 11, 2020

The Truth about Vaccines

"An indictment of the 'Fake Science' we find so prevalent in the US."
- Kent Heckenlively JD

It's hard to keep up with all that is corrupt, especially in the medical field. But since we have these days, alongside the good-guy, Mr Trump, the bad-guy, Dr Fauci, standing as a fixture of the medical establishment, here's a very relevant story that hopefully will help eliminate much of medical corruption.

Two books I recently read, spoken of in this article, were cumbersome to get through, but this article below, by one of the authors, spells things out more clearly, because he had to summarize effectively:

Read the rest here: LINK

Monday, March 23, 2020

Apricot Seeds that can't be Sold

of Queens NY is a remarkable guy with a remarkable story. He was put in jail for 5 years for selling apricot seeds, and not because he sold them as a cure, which they are according Dr. Ernst Krebs, Edgar Cayce and others. As if he hadn't suffered enough with his prior bouts fighting off cancer. He still wants to sell his apricot seeds, making sure that no word of "cure" is implied, just plain seeds. Here's what the government does to his site anyhow:

The father of medicine, Hippocrates, said “Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.”  Well in today's corrupt American society (and in others just as corrupt), not only is that advice spurned - but today it's actually illegal to heed this advice!

(Of course, wikipedia, the internet's politically-bent encyclopedia, makes sure to add a proviso regarding Hippocrates' aphorism, sticking in that that's probably a mistake. Check its single "source" for this claim and you'll find a rehab doctor who published nothing, and most probably never bothered to read anything by this medical originator.)

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

On the Cure of Cancer and Many Other Chronic Illnesses

A Medical Essay on
the Cure of Cancer
and Many Other Chronic Disorders
by Boosting the Immune System and/or by
Neutralizing DNA Destabilizers

Some physicians attribute cancer's main cause, and that of many other diseases, to a fungus. Others implicate bacteria or viruses.

What's their evidence? Not that these microbes, when put into the body, cause cancer. No. Instead, after an autopsy or biopsy, they visually see under the microscope that tumors have embedded in them these microbial shapes, to suggest fungi, or other microbes as the culprits. The correlation is inevitable.

But this hind-sighted approach, namely, seeing it upon death or in an advanced case biopsied, is what implicates these agents as the significant agents of disease.

Actually such an assertion violates the priciple that "correlation does not prove causation".

You can ask: "Well, then why are these microbial shapes found -- in almost all tumors -- found at autopsy or biopsy, if they're really not the prime movers of the disease?" Maybe these foreign agents snuck into the body and, without first causing an entry-point infection, they snuck past the intervening membranes and then internally set up shop to begin infestation from within.

The remarkable biology introduced by Dr. Gaston Naessens in France a few decades ago will yet revolutionize the study of biology just as had the findings where the atom, first thought to be an element of itself alone, was later found to consist of hundreds of subatomic particles. The latter findings lead us into the new field quantum mechanics. (E.g., LINK, LINK)

The Somatid Cycle discovered by Naessens, among other fascinating discoveries, has yet to be appreciated so fully. I'll wager that not even one Western university even teaches anything about this grand master of medicine.

It was Gaston Naessens who demonstrated with his new "somatid" discoveries, that some stages in the cycle of this subcellular particle have the same morphology as do fungi and bacteria (depending on the stage in the cycle), how environmental deterioration, or the degree of cellular stress, creates a metamorphosis of that somatid particle do undergo a transformation, the first stages of which resemble bacteria, and with additional stress, albeit reversible, to fungal structures.

Logic would therefore dictate to reverse the stress factors and these, in turn, will alleviate bacterial or fungal "infections", rather than focusing on the underlying morphological aspect and treating that. For treating the symptom is not a solution. Imagine, for example, upon seeing "bacteria" inside a tumor's mass, the physician prescribes an antibiotic. Because of this new cellular stress, however, we can expect the fungal phases of that somatid cycle to kick into the worsening, fungal stage.

Unfortunately, Naessens' brilliant discoveries and curative methodology is darkly secluded by the BigPharma mafia that control many Western governments in some remote town in Quebec, Canada. Thankfully his family continue the pioneering work.

For example, Dr. Nassens' unique administration of a simple nitrogenous camphor molecule, drained into the lymphatic network of the groin (&/or via pulmonary lymphatics), reverses the distress of the cell and reverses the stages underwent in somatid metamorphosis, and, almost incredibly, seems to "liquify" the lymph circulatory system as well as somehow activate or boost the immune system into self-preservation. The immune system can then be expected to fight off the symptoms experienced so far, and indeed reverse the disease -- or cancer.

This boost given to the immune system is seen from an entirely different area of research and of different countries. Just as Naessens modulated lymphatic mediation, which boosted the immune response, so too a simple protein, when injected into the groin, is found to round up and activate the macrophages, the fighting soldier cells of immune system, to devour and destroy the intruder or subverter. That product is called GcMAF. This Vitamin-D derived simple protein has a branch on which reside 3 sugars. A lymphatic B-cell clips off one of these. The lymphatic T-cell clips off another. The protein with its one remaining sugar now works as a key. As it locks into a Macrophage's "skin", it immediately goes into offense mode, immediately responding with exploratory and offensive behavior, either by devouring or exploding the intruding structures.

That thrust of the immune system into high gear, stimulated by GcMAF, has a natural enemy that can, for whatever odd reasons, sometimes render this immune system's mechanics to falter. It's been discovered (on different continents at the same time) that an enzyme, said to be the secretions left by viruses -- or by cancer cells -- which, much like the wrench thrown into an engine, can trick the immune system into being "tolerant", or "restful", thus remaining inactivated. This sectreted substance by the cancer cell (or by the virus) is called Nagalase. This enzyme attacks that Vitamin D-derived protein with a stem of 3 sugars -- by clipping off that stem that holds all 3 sugars, leaving what remains as a "useless key" that cannot activate the sleeping macrophage.

But now that we know this interplay of two molecules, between GcMAF and Nagalase, the latter substance can easily be overwhelmed by raising the amount of GcMAF introduced. The result is: a reinvigorated immune system that will sure enough reverse itself from disease to wellness. (E.g. LINK, LINK)

Another great pioneer of Medicine, Mirko Beljanski, showed clearly the main cause of cancer. He demonstrated that the partial unravelling of the DNA molecule, from its usual double helix structure, is the cause of extra cellular RNA and DNA activity, which leads to cancer. He showed how poisons attach to the DNA molecule and thereby break the core hydrogen bonds, which then yield a "destabilized" configuartion. The helix is no longer the same tightly bound helical structure; Now loose strands of it are exposed to the cell's milieu, which leads to undesired toxic effects. Not because the DNA genes have changed, but that some parts of the DNA chain lost their original shape. The attached poisons, because they have impact on the structure by attaching themselves to the DNA molecule, leave some DNA parts exposed, and these loose filaments then stimulating unwarranted cell activity. He showed how removal of these poisons, or by introducing certain herbal substances that counteract the poison's ability to change the shape of the DNA molecule, reversal of the toxicity can be achieved. (E.g., LINK, LINK)

Beljanski's therapy seeks to eliminate or reverse cellular stress or toxicity. The other two therapies alluded to above, achieve similar results via enhancing the power of the immune system. This, using one (or both) of the former methods achieves the same reveral only that it's done by boosting the immune system. Beljanski's herbal extracts may or may not have also included this effect, but if it did it did so in a way we're yet unaware. It seems that Beljanski's approach was more direct and aimed at reversing the poison's hold itself. The immune-boosting therapy and the herbal extract method that neutralizes the poison - of course can work in tandem for better results, I'd wager.

To get the immune-boosting products, because the FDA had come out against it, one just needs to know where to get the products and from who. How long the exemplary links herein offered will hold up, before BigPharma clamps down on them, is anybody's guess.

(Those who want to learn more have herein enough to further explore with.)

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Deep Medical Swamp

Well, guess what? The big tech companies are now in bed with BigPharma, so any good book on alternate medicine promoting a cure to disease - they'll boycott. (For example, Apple has banned news from a natural medicine site called Natural News, by activist-turned-scientist Mike Adams, "the Health Ranger".)

A book recently authored by Andreas Ludwig Kalcker, called "Forbidden Health" has been banned by Amazon. This German author does beautiful experiments and luckily isn't banned in Germany from doing his thing. He's involved in many scientific endeavors, but in medicine he is prolific. This book discusses the wonderful product MMS first discovered by Jim Humble (who is forced to live in Mexico presently), whom I mentioned in an earlier post (LINK). It had been on sale at Amazon for only a couple of months and, surprise, no more. They removed the book from their site, and of course removed it from any member's "Wish List" as well.

Pretty soon I suppose they'll remove this guy's Youtube videos as well.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they close down this site too, even though I hardly get any visitors at all here.

Just as sure as you know that BigPharma and the FDA approve of poisonous fluoride being put into our drinking water, you can be sure their ban on MMS is because it's actually good for us.

Just to show you Amazon's integrity: 
They ban Kalcker's book 
-- but they sell "Mein Kamf"!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Moment of Humor

An era of Political and Medical Darkness

Today's society in America is heavily tarnished by what's known as the "liberal" perspective. For any sane human being, the atmosphere and spirit is shaded with this liberal darkness, where abortion is rampant and promoted, where sexual morality has become depraved among this widening circle of immorals, where a good and decent president is a threat to their perversions, where giant tech companies seek to eliminate free speech and control conversation by banning conservative thought.

These big companies, like Apple, not only ban conservatives to align with for liberal, leftist reasons. They are also in bed with BigPharma and their criminal cohorts, many of whom are governmental agencies, such as the crooked FDA, NCI, the big hospital people, the AMA, the ADA, because "medicine" - as we have it in America (as in Canada, England and France) - is not in it for the cure, but to fill their money coffers with bullshit "treatments" and bullshit "therapy". Even hypertension they have no cure for. And if there are cures for ailments, those proponents better seek refuge outside the country or they'll be legislated to death, or simply assassinated (and that's a very long list to those in the know). The medical swamp is as deep as the deep state in politics. Even children are now fair game for the psychiatry hucksters. These companies too wants a piece of this big pie, at the expense of we the people.

The message in this one cartoon pretty much summarizes this era of spiritual darkness.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Good Medicine from a Century Ago

Some things speak for themselves. Those of curiosity can easily follow the trail to visit a happy time in the past when cancer patients in the USA could stay at a sanitorium (eg. in Hot Springs, SD or in Savannah, MO) and be in and out in 3 or 4 weeks and enjoy a speedy cure! But today who would defy the swamp-entrenched medical industry and cross with it? Just try and cure cancer for 20 bucks and Swat-teams would hack you down today in the USA (as too in France, Canada and England) before you can kiss your kin goodbye.

Those still enchanted with modern medicine will never appreciate just how much greener the grass is beyond the miserable allopathy prevalent today. It's all money. No benevolence at all any more. At best, nice, gentlemanly dumbed-down doctors, no matter how many titles follow their names.

Here are just a few pictures that can lead you to nurse upon sweet waters.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet and Autism

Dr. Jeff Bradstreet discovered that “Autism is viruses in the brain and viruses in the stomach”. This definition, impressive as it is, also brings new insight into “viral” disease that none is aware of - unless they know the work of Gaston Naessens (see prior post for more on him).

Naessens discovered a tiny particle in cells without which the cell cannot survive!

These subparticles, in the nanometer  Naessens called “somatids”. He found that these extremely tiny particles can undergo morphologic changes, the entire range spanning 16 stages. The latter stages, from stage 4 to stage 16, are degenerative stages, whereas the first 3 are the normal, undistressed stages. Significantly, he showed too that the somatid's latter stages can be reversed by removing cell toxicity or by boosting the immune response.

The longer the cell remains toxic, the more likely the somatid's later stages will actualize. Relief of stress bring recovery to the cell as the degenerative stages go into reversal. From the 4th stage onward, the stages go from bad to worse. Or, disease can be vanquished in which case only the 1st 3 stages are to be seen.

The early degenerative stages resemble forms of virus. Further degeneration creates forms that resemble bacteria, and severe degeneration creates forms resembling fungi.

So when Dr. Bradstreet (probably assassinated by the FDA [and the list gets bigger]) said the autistic child has a multifocal viral infection, (detectable by measure of the enzyme nagalase in the blood), he was probably very accurate.

Naessens ingenious remedy was to flood the lymph with a nitrogenous natural compound that "liquified" the lymph and gave the immune system a boost to again take control of the body.

Jeff Bradstreet was able to cure many autistic children -- also by modulating an immune response. How did he revamp the immune system? He found that probiotics offered an easy and delicious way to recharge the body's immunological system. It happens that the immune system suffers shock, for whatever reason, and goes into a dormant state, but plenty of evidence now shows that that lethargy can be overturned. The new bacterial populations, it turns out, give us a natural means by which to vitalize the body’s defense mechanism, much like supplying a carpenter the hammer he needs to drive his nails.

Bradstreet and others found the cultures had been effective. They cured hundreds of children by providing this therapy in the clinic. It was working. All along the doctors thought their good results derived from a protein called “gcMaf”. Now newer research, as Dr. Marco Ruggiero of Italy has discovered, attributes an even smaller segment of that molecule as responsible for the positive spurring effect. In isolation of the rest, this tiny molecule provided the turnaround all by itself! That part of the previous molecule now did the trick on its own. He named his serum “Rerum”.

And much like Naessens had the ability to detect the rise or fall of disease, here too an enzyme has been found as the relevant marker.

The one point of contention that might arise between these two scientists, whether or not the viruses arrive into the milieu as invaders from the external environment, or whether they arise internally from the body’s own tissues.

What the Bradstreet doctors attribute to external viruses I believe are, in fact, virus-like forms produced from cellular somatids. The body, after all, came from the soil and will return to the soil (Gen. 3:19), so how will they “return”? Will they necessarily be gobbled up by scavengers from the outside, or, does the body itself “know” how to disintegrate itself? This harks back to the century-old controversy of Pasteur vs Beauchamp. Beauchamp's claim was that the terrain is the important health factor in disease; Pasteur believed the culprit was an outside invader on the attack. Beachamp's view has been the long-shot view now for over 100 years. I concur with Beachamp's thesis that it’s the terrain - not the agent - that mainly determines health or disease.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

The List of "Abused by BigPharma" Keeps Growing

Now, with more world-wide internet windows opening us up, windows safely removed from reach of the crooked rich, BigPharma for example, more ways are being discovered how to enhance the body's ability to recuperate from disease.

I may have written earlier of two recent giants, both who were oppressed in France, one being Mirko Beljanski (now taken from us), and the other Gaston Naessens (hopefully still living healthy in Quebec [UPDATE: Sad to report, he passed away Feb. 2018]). Beljanski showed that DNA's destabilized structure, where some zippered DNA becomes partially unzippered at some loci, as the core problem of cancer, and then went on to find ways of curing cancer. In other words, the unraveled portion of DNA can be twisted back into good shape nicely zippered up, but leaving it partially unraveled changes its structure and can lead to unwanted DNA replications. He could also determine the cancer potential of any substance with his simple but ingenious "Oncotest", which simply looked at light coming in from the "cracks" in the DNA configuration. He explained why this "destabilaztion" of DNA caused cancer - as the rule - ruling out "mutations" (which would be the exception) as the primary cause.

Naessens, after ingeniously building a brand new microscope to provide nano-length perspective, he would use this new vision of live blood and, with this better eyesight, he discovered a brand new biology. He actually identified a new particle nobody had seen before, certainly not as close as he saw them. He not only redeemed these as particles living on their own, heretofore thought of as human artifact, he noticed the whole slew of stages this particle could metamorphose into, showing there was 16 different stages in the entire range. The first three were normal, as in healthy blood, and the others, convey that the cells in the blood are under distress. Finally he was able to isolate these particles, which he calls the "Somatid". He found them to be indestructible ?or nearly so? Moreover, and here the new biology begins, for he shows how these somatids could regenerate DNA and cultivate a new host of new viable cells, each properly equipped with recombinant DNA.

When I read of this pre-DNA particle, the precursor to the DNA, I thought of the somatid as God's "G-d particle". After all, if every thing derives from Hashem, you'll always find therefore that the deeper you get into the miniature, the more you see the infinity there too imprinted.

This particle substance, DNA's precursor, the "somatid", is a particle heretofore never seen by man. He shows the 16 stages of the somatid's metamorphosis nd what each stage looks like. Well what do you know -- the different stages appear spore-like resembling viruses or spores, then as string-shaped bacteria, and finally as yeast and fungal shapes. And wow, you can reverse the process! Just remove the stress, and recovery takes place.

This makes so much Torah sense too, because when man returns to earth, from which he was fashioned in the first place, the body knows "on its own" how to disintegrate itself and, as in says in Gen.3:19:
"With the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, until you return to the ground, for you were taken therefrom, for dust you are, and to dust you will return.") In other words, those buggers that eat up our bodies when we're dead don't come at us from the outside; Nope; In the main, they come from within us, from our own cells, programmed to disintegrate already built in!

These giants' discoveries have enormous ramifications for medicine, which itself anyhow needs a swamp-busting overhaul.

So now, with Beljanski's Oncotest, we can easily detect which substances are cancerous, which can reverse the damage; And with Naessens help it's so easy to detect from a drop of blood. It may be added here, to add praise to Naessens, in that he too found ways to reverse and/or heal chronic disease -- by injecting lymph canals with a simple nitrogen-camphor.

Being able to predict and prevent disease is now simple and inexpensive. We have a new biology that never yet made it to college, let alone to "med school".  We have open to us a fascinating, yet simple, non-drugged way to revitalize the body, by revitalizing and reawakening the body's innate lymphatic immunological potential.

More windows open up meanwhile.

But pay notice to the one common thread that ties all these incredibly able people and scientists, which they all share. That predominant feature that they possess is -- all of them must live on the run, always alert to avoid the BigPharm's corrupt and immoral grip on "medicine".

The latest I learned of, whose work and life are full of merit, is Jim Humble, now forced to live in Mexico. Another great American having to protect himself from palpable harm living in his home country. That's where he escaped BigPharma's tentacles. (Heard about the murder in Turkey of that Saudi turncoat ["Khashoggi"] whose own crown-prince had him assassinated in Oct. 2018? Well, even America, land of the free, has its share of bad boys among government bigwigs, and BigPharma/FDA is one of them.

I'm reading his great book, MMS HEALTH RECOVERY GUIDEBOOK. From Mexico he provides powerful knowledge to the world at large, for the sake of humankind. I admire the guy. His perspective clashes and contrasts with the mean and sore control of health of today. Allopathy only offers stuff from its own, patent-hungry labs. "Alternative medicine" is sourced and created in God's laboratory.

The product touted by Humble, and now by many many more, is a powerful, tiny, oxidizing molecule, chlorine dioxide. I think I got that right. He calls this agent MMS. (e.g.: link). He then went ahead to formulate protocols for so many conditions. I'm now rereading

Do research. Sense the miracle. But be forewarned, try to bypass the nuisance of BigPharma teamplayers. They try to create a mine-field so you get fed up researching material issued by herbal or natural prescriptions. Seek out if you can the originator's mind because those looking to divert focus from truth find many ways to set before you obstacles.

Poor Humble must live out his life in Mexico. At least he gets much more freedom in Mexico than he would living, believe it or not, in Canada! Just see how they marginalized Mr. Naessens from his life-long dreams, offering him the bare minimum just to survive. (He must be 96 by now. May God grant him, and Humble, a long life!) In Canada, as with France and England, and as here in the U.S., BigPharma thrives and rules the roost, and has ruled it now near 100 years.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Born Face Up or Face Down; More or Less Pain

The gemora (Niddah 31a) asserts two differences in birth between between boys and girls. Firstly, boys emerge from the natal canal face-down, whereas girls emerge face-up.
("זו הופכת פניה וזה אין הופך פניו")

Secondly, regarding the pain of labor, delivery of a boy is easier to suffer through than is a girl's.
("חבלי נקבה מרובין משל זכר")

How do these two facts dovetail? What does face up or down have to do with pangs of labor during childbirth?

The behavior of each differs just before they leave the womb. The newborn girl, just before the final thrusts force her out of the dilated cervix, turns her face sideways, always angling her body to emerge face-up. That extra struggle to turn 180 degrees along the descending axis, during the descent of the head into the cervical opening and along the vaginal canal, is what apparently adds to the pain, besides the usual contractions and tissue tears.

The boy's delivery, on the other hand, is more like a downwards dive without any body-twisting along the way out, keeping the head's orientation as usual, face down, so the head comes out first and face-down.

I don't know of empirical evidence that confirms this phenomenon, as our sages assert.

Of course, in real life, variations exist. For example, the head can emerge facing sideways - in which case it's neither face-up nor face-down.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Another Great Physician Wasted!

The list is a very long list.

Here’s another victim of assassination by the medical Big-Pharma mafia - in cahoots with the corrupt FDA: Dr. Jeff Bradstreet. He must have been very successful with his autistic patients, because they - the government (probably in Obuma's reign) - raided him in his lab, with guns drawn upon entry .... Then, sometime later, unusual circumstances brought him to an early death ... a wonderful family man and successful physician ... they claim “committed suicide”. They wield the power of media against their innocent victim to boot, adding fuel to the abuse with a smear campaign.

Like I said, Bradstreet was on to something big. Now if you research this doctor’s accomplishments and research, you will encounter stuff that has been studied now for the last 25 years that demonstrates an incredibly new insight into disease - and its cure! Even a cure for cancer! Even 4th stage cancer!

Now how’s that for a threat to Big-Pharma - where instead of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery, you feed your patients a probiotic yogurt (!) as the main component of a nutritional diet, then not just “treating” disease, but providing a CURE!

Here’s a link to the victimized family being interviewed.

The science he was basing his therapy on is, thank God, going on in full force, and a great spokesman and pioneer in this regard is the Italian doctor Marco Ruggiero. This guy is fascinating and if someone could stand in Bradstreet's shoes, this guy can.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

We on Earth Rest at the Center of the Universe

Below is a link to an article that has nothing to do with Health Advice, except to demonstrate that the holy grail of the “Physics Establishment” is as corrupt as is the “Medical Establishment”! The former does its best to sideline the truth of geocentrism, the view of the universe according to Torah-true Judaism, while the latter will do almost anything to paint any good medicine it deems competitive or better as “quack medicine”.

The 2013 results from NASA's Planck probe is a recent discovery that sticks in the throat of Establishment Physics - for it provides real proof for geocentrism. Back in 1887, the Michelson-Morley experiment had shown the Earth to be stationary. That empirical evidence held its own for 25 years before Einstein came along to explain it away with “special relativity”. But then he had to invent “general relativity” to say, “well, I meant everything’s relative because everything's moving relative to each other”. But from a mathematical viewpoint, Einstein now had to admit geocentrism could be just as plausible as heliocentrism. Of course the Establishment still held firmly, until this very day, their claims that it's the Earth is moving.

Ah, but now they must contend with this latest of NASA’s findings. Note this is NASA's 3rd probe to test these same results. Two previous probes yielded the same truth. (That’s why they kept building better probes because they “couldn’t believe” what they found! They needed to make sure their findings were not contaminated by technical artifacts.)

This latest discovery now also sheds light and supports the truth behind the Michelson-Morley experiment’s findings.

Just as sure as modern allopathic medicine wants to quash all alternative medicine, so too physics wants to ban all suggestion the Earth is at rest in the center of the universe, otherwise they would have to acknowledge that "Someone" put us there! It can no longer be claimed, as poor Carl Sagan did, that we're a random speck of dust lost somewhere in a vast universe. With us placed dead center, "randomness" no longer makes sense.

Speaking of corrupt "Establishments", this is not unlike the "Education Establishment" too, who want to teach our children "Evolution", which also presupposes randomness!