Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Looks Like Brazil's Infected with BigPharma too

Saw this at ZeroHedge 8/21/24, about a plane crash in Brazil:

Its headline was:

Here's some of its copy:

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Interestingly, it's only very recently that the term "turbo cancer" is being bandied about. Never heard of it before; Not with that particular name.

That would make sense because we are after all in a post-mass-vaccination period. The "covid" scare and lockdowns frightened many people into trusting the established medical doctrine and ran to the clinics to get inoculated. There were all kinds of vaccine mandates; in schools, banks, other companies, in government buildings, on planes ... ad nauseum. 

So now we have millions more people with more toxicity inside them and getting morbidly sick from it all. Turbo Cancer is what any sane thinker could guess would happen. It stands to reason that cancers take time to develop, and also that the more poisonous the load, the faster cancer will develop.

The "vaccines" today are no longer like the milder stuff they gave us years ago. Today BigPharma is less discriminate. Today probably ALL vaccines contain graphene, aluminum, aborted fetal cells, phosgene and other poisons.

Vaccines of today are no longer what they used to be. I can go on telling you how poisonous the stuff is but my point here is something else:

My point is, there is an urgency among BigPharma to strike down large population segments. They now do it with audacity, concealing most of their ingredients, without presenting experimental results, without care whether it's an infant or an oldster, they are now in it for the kill. What once was the "flu shot", or "MMR" shots, or whichever - they all are today deadlier than they ever were. 

The wealthiest psychotic demons like Gates, his wife, Klaus Schwab and other "globalists" are counting their own days left on Earth and cannot tolerate that there's so much more money they can soak up out of us before they die. They're behaving in desperation.

Is it money they're worshipping? Probably something much more obscene and sinister that their money affords.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Cancer Cured by a Few Antibody Infusions

Seems like chemotherapists, with nothing to show for their practice now for a good hundred years, all the while killing people left and right with chemotherapy, keep blaming cancer. Until today they remain abysmally bereft of good prognoses, let alone cures. I suppose, to try and boost their long-standing miserable batting average, some felt forced to add "adjuvant" remedies into their poisonous potion. Even if they did find such a remedy that would enhance chemo's prognosis, they'd hush it up anyhow because in the end their business model would be hurt by it; Promoting, in this case antibody molecules, would be self-defeating since chemotherapy poisons are what fuel a big cancer business. So new adjuvant research would usually be kept under the radar. But here's a case where by divine providence the results of just such immunotherapy substances, on their own - without chemo, without radiation and without any surgery - produced an amazing, jaw-dropping cure within a month! This magazine's medical issue had many articles, all representing the current perspectives of an evil or gullible allopathy. But one article among them slipped through, if you will, because this would be one genie they'd want stuffed back into the bottle. For if it got too much publicity, the primary homicidal ritual adopted by this profession would become obvious.

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